Saturday 27 August 2011

Psalms 147:1-11

'Praise the Lord,
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him !

The Lord builds up jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of is real.

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds .

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.

The Lord sustains the humble but cast the wicked to the ground.

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.

He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

He provides food for the cattle and for the young taverns when they call.

his pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delights in the legs of a man;

The Lord delights in those who fear him,
Who put their hope in his unfailing love.'

This verse, Is so encouraging. It is a reminder, God takes care of everything, He does not care how strong or talented etc we are, he only cares if we fear and put our hopes on him. Sometimes the world may betray my trust I tend to build walls. I want to be alone. I don't want anyone to come in my life, In fear they may hurt me, I don't want to trust our put my hopes on people in case they let me down. But here is says God's UNFAILLING love. His love will never stop. Its never ending, its unconditional, He is GOD. Not another human, He will not let me down. And I just got to trust that and take a leap of faith and put my life in his hands.

Many times I feel so hurt by people, When things go wrong I feel upset hurt, disappointed and stuff, but here GOd heals my broken heart, he binds my wound. And how true is that, but I have to allow him to heal me, I have to allow him to help me. 
And once again,I need to let him in my life. Only that way he can work in me.

Dearest father,

This is such a encouraging verse. I feel so relieved reading this. Father, I thank you so much
the past few days I've been so down, I just feel like crying buckets or tears you know? I feel so lonely, So unloved, so alone. So un cared for. I felt so broken about everything. disappointed. I felt like giving up, Then this verse today popped out, ANd I just thank you so much for your love I am so so so so sorry father, So sorry I've neglected your love, I have forgotten about your love,

I often feel people are taking me for granted but I took your love and you for granted father And I am so sorry. I know I have you but I still crave for love in this world. But I know I don't need it.
Father please help me rely on you please help me only want your love. that I will feel satisfied enough, who am I? To want more. more then what you already given me, You already gave me your life, your son, Yet I still want more, yet I still crave for humans attention. Father I am so sorry

father, YOu are a awesome God, Everytime I am alone I feel down I know I have you, You never fail to be there for me father, You never fail to pick me up I am wrong when I complain about having to pick myself up all the time. Cause father I have you, You were the one picking me up all the time, YOu were always with me, You were always behind me guiding me,but I fail to sees it father.

Dearest father, I love you so much, though I am so rebellious and I always go against you, I am sorry for that But father I do love you so much and I appreciate how you never fiala to love me even when I say I don't love you anymore, Father , I will follow your words. I will stop thinking about chris. Its time I move on father. YOu know whats best for me, guide me father,I know you will.

FatherI want to shine for you, I pray I will do great for you to glorify you, Father, I pray you will use me to hep many others, because I want them to experience everything I am experiencing.IT is such a great feeling, to know I am always loved by you father.

Dearest father, I want to thank you for last night I has such a great night sharing crying with steffi and yingjuin, being open about my struggle,
And being opened helped me realize my problem, I want to know where I stand in sean's and all my best friends hearts I am insecure father, Some times even though I know you love me I wonder where I stand in your heart father, I really wonder. I feel insecure, I wonder a lot of times if you really care about me then I look around and see everything that you have already given me, like awesome friends, a teen worker, my parents. And i really thank you for them.

Father I want to pray for my friend, who has recently broken up, I pray she will come to church, I want to take this opportunity, to bring her to church, TO introduce her to you father, I pray you will open her heart, that she will study the bible at her vulnerable stage she is going through, I pray you will heal her broken heart father. Which I know you will But I pray that she wil let you into her life to heal her. 

Father I thank you so much for everything love you so much!

In jesus name
Your daughter ,

Friday 26 August 2011

The story of Isaac && Rebekah .

Well, today I read about how God chose rebekah to be Isaac's wife, how he lead the servant to rebekah.
from the start rebekah was chosen but she only became because she was ready to live her home land. leave her family to do God's will to marry Isaac. She left immediately without worrying questioning and doubting God. 
even when her family wanted her to stay for awhile she was eager to follow God's will.she obeyed with eagerness.

sometimes God may have stuff he has planned for us to do, but we are the ones with the choice ,the choice of doing what he wants or doing what I want. like example planning stuff? do I take a stand and lead? Or do I choose to wait for someone else to step up?

I can only imagine, if rebekah decided to wait? maybe isaac would have found someone else. Sometimes we can't delay our actions.
God already has a plan, who are we to do things according to our will. we should do what God has command, do What he has lead us to, do it n the spot and trust God,trust that he will have a plan. that he knows what is going to happen and we just have to deliver the actions. 

I believe rebekah left with a light heart cause she knew when she heard the servants story that god has chosen her. She decided to just leave to meet a guy she don't know to marry him, because she knew it was God's plan.

I think trusting god is a very important key in my spiritual life. Because many times i do forget god is in control. I tend to want things to be done my way, and the results be what I wanted. but I forget it is God who has chosen me to do everything I did, cause he already planned the results. he knows what he is doing and I just got to keep that in mind. I need to learn how to rely on him fully.

Dearest father,
today I woke up late. I've not been to school for like a week. Feeel sick. but I know cause I'm sleeping so late.
Father, today I started texting with christopher, I missed him so much. But I guess I must know my intentions of texting him father, I pray you will guide me through

Dearest father God,
I want to thank you, thank you so much for today is friday later i will be able to meet my beloved brother and sisters at church, I will get to spend time with them after a long week. I thank you for all those people you have put in my life, to guide me be there for me, and those you placed in my life for me to build friendships with. 
Father, I thank you for our church building, It is such a wonderful place, it feels so happy, where we are all ourselves. . Father I thank you for all the teen workers who dedicate themselves to helping teenagers like me so we won't get lost in the dark dark world. 

Father I thank you for all the leaders in the church, who give their life for you, they are such wonderful people full of love, and everything.

Father, I thank you for steffi, I will be meeting her soon for dinner then we are heading to church together I thank you so much for putting her in my life. She is truly a joy.everytime I see her I am amazed by how she can so easily draw people towards her , she has so many close friends who will be there for her all the time.And she has such a heart for you lord. at such a young age she seeks you because she knows you are the only way, she seeks to live a righteous life, She shares with her friends , She is just great father. 
Father I know you have great plans for her, But I just thank you so much for her,she is a great friend to have. And I believe many others feel so too.

Father, I also want to thank you for jiejie yingjuin. she is like my life saver.she introduced me to you. Father, I thank you so much for this great woman in my life. she has shown me so much, she has taught me so much, she has been such a great role model. her love for you, her inspiring life has really been a great life line. She teaches me through her own life. I am so grateful for her. She through her life has been faithful to you and has impacted sooo many others father and I really thank you so much for putting her in my life, father she is getting married, I pray you will be with her, guide her, as i know planning a wedding is quite hard, i think? But father I pray she will have a blast planning and just have fun father . Father I pray she and cheating will have a great life ahead together, that they may accept the past and continue living towards the future . I pray they will be a great couple shining for you. they will continue to impact so many teens and people, bring more people into the kingdoms shine greatly for you father. 

Father I also want to thank you for my life. It is just amazing how I am still alive. So many people dying but I am alive and well cause you have taken care of me father, not only that you blessed ne with a house and a family who loves me. I know now in modern times many families are broken so I am just so grateful for mine. My family is near perfect only because you are our base father, without you I bet my parents are already divorced and stuff. So I thank you so much,

Father I am so amazed at how you plan everything out in my life and the rest of the human's race life out. how do you do that? I will never know. but I am so amazed by how amazing you are, from billion of years ago you already planned today. you already knew me, You created moses, joseph, jesus.peter. you planned each and everyone of their lives, and you lead them into doing great things and now we are able to learn from them. Father I am so amazed and how great you are. You are just perfect father. No words can describe you and I feel just sooo honored to call you dad. 

Papa, I pray for the teens ministry for rebecca two to open her heart to study the bible, i pray for all the other teens too. that they will open up, I pray for unity amongst the teens to be one big family. And I pray for every christian who is struggling that they will remember your grace and remember how great you are and that they trust you wholeheartedly. trust your plan. trust their life in your hands. 

Father I pray that I will over come my sins, my struggles. and be open to people about my life. about what I am going through. I pray I will have self-control towards christopher then I do not think about being with him . I thank you once again for everything 

In jesus name 
your daughter ,Rebecca(:

Wednesday 24 August 2011

The whole chapter of Ecclesiastes


Fear God, keep his commandments. 
That is the solution the answer I need. God has answered me. All this time I struggle And I tire. I feel so tired so stressed so burdened. I don't know what I'm doing cause I seem to be doing everything everywhere all at the same time. I went ahead of myself. I got lost in everything I'm doing. I forgot. Why and What am I doing..

the verse is a reminder. for me. Meaningless is everything I am doing. 
Studies everything. smart? Pretty? ugly? stupid? In the end we all die and face judgement. Enjoy what we have while we have it. Enjoy it while God give us this. 
Follow his words. his laws . We are just waiting. Waiting for his return. Nothing else. We have to try our hardest. but in our hearts God must be first

I cannot forget God. I must remember why I do what I do. And who I do what I'm doing for. 

It is my duty ,God knows everything. Let him judge. who am i too judge?
Trust god knows everything and he will do hat needs to be done. I just need to do my part. I need to stop trying to be God.
I need to swallow my pride. And do God's will with no complain. Cause I work not for something in return but for God. He will choose the results. he will know the reason and I'll just do the work. His in charge NOT ME. 

He knows best.Good things bad things. they don't mean anything to me, Cause whats important to me must be God. What God wants what God wants me to do/
he will lead me
he will lead the teens I do not have to worry put everything on my shoulders. I am not the one.
God will take care of everything and I just have to accept that Trust he know best. And entrust my life to him. Let him do great things through me only if he wants too. 

Dearest father, I love you
I really want to thank you for showing me this verse. I just told you I am tired. And this is what I get. A solution. A straight forward solution and words of comfort.

God I know you just want me to trust you and I thank you for everything you have done.
dearest father I know I can be VERY proud all the time. I think I can be the best I think I can be better then you and What a fool I am. 

Dearest father 
I know Sometimes I just have to let go. Its just that I feel so hurt by the teens. And I'm generalizing. a bad habit of mine. Father I feel so stressed so burdened I know I need to trust you but I'm just so stubborn. I want the best for them yet I want them to love me.

I crave for their love. And now I realize what a stupid thing that is. I have such great love already from you. You give me everything. You love me. You died for me father lord. I am your everything you gave me your son. You wanted to save me, sine the day of my birth you took care of me father. but this is what I do. I neglect you and crave for man's attention. 

Father, I am so sorry. I know I cannot say I will repent of this because I know I will need time. but father I pray you will help me. give me the strength to love unconditionally and just always bear in mind you love me enough and that is what I really want. 

Father. The teens, They are such great individuals. They are all so special to me even the guys who I am so annoyed by, They are brothers and sisters you've given me and I am so thankful for them, Though I always complain and act negative about them deep in my heart I love them so much and I am just sooooooooooo proud of them, how they made the decision to follow you and be a christian at their young age. 

Dearest father, its been such a long time since I poured my heart out to you, I feel so relieved. father I missed you so much, I promise you I will talk to you daily. And father, please watch over shermaine, her parents has been fighting I don't know if they are fighting cause they still love each other or what but I do pray you will let them know they are affecting their kids and that it is very unhealthy

Father I pray shermaine will stay strong. Strong for you strong for herself and her family. I know how much she loves them father. I just pray you will keep her safe and that she will shine greatly for you father. 
I thank you for shermaine father. she really teaches me a lot. And she is just soooo open and friendlyyyy

Father I also want to pray for Sarah tan she is currently studying the bible, and I am just so proud of her, at such a young tender age she is so mature, She takes advice and learns. True wisdom I feel father. I pray you will be with her. And I really want to thank you for putting her in my life, she has shown me much, She reminded me of how open I should be to get help, and she help me be humble.Father I thank you so much for this girl.

dearest father I also want o pray for me and hannah lauren, We will be meeting online every week to share and just grow spiritually. Father, I pray that we could be close on a deep level that we can grow together.
Father I thank you for this girl. She is there in Malaysia ALONE. the only teenager christian there and she's shining so great for you father through her I learn so much, Father I pray you will be with her protect her, I do wish I could do more for her father, please show me what you want me to do to help her and me grow together father.

father I also want to pray for fuquan. he is such a joy in my life.
though his SUPER irritating and very flirtatious I thank you for giving me a friend like him, he always brings laughter and always takes the first step to helping others feel comfortable and he always makes sure no one is left out Deep down he is really kind hearted. and nice.

Father I pray he will make the decision and open his heart up to you, I believe you have your plans for him father. Father I pray the brothers will accept him for who he is and he will get along better with them father.

Father I want to thank you so much for everything you have given me even my family. I thank you so much for all your blessings though I may worry a lot I often forget how much you have done for me already. And how much you have already taken care of me. Father thank you so much for your love I don't deserve. 

In Jesus name,
Love,Rebecca(: Your daughter .