Saturday 27 August 2011

Psalms 147:1-11

'Praise the Lord,
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him !

The Lord builds up jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of is real.

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds .

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.

The Lord sustains the humble but cast the wicked to the ground.

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.

He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

He provides food for the cattle and for the young taverns when they call.

his pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delights in the legs of a man;

The Lord delights in those who fear him,
Who put their hope in his unfailing love.'

This verse, Is so encouraging. It is a reminder, God takes care of everything, He does not care how strong or talented etc we are, he only cares if we fear and put our hopes on him. Sometimes the world may betray my trust I tend to build walls. I want to be alone. I don't want anyone to come in my life, In fear they may hurt me, I don't want to trust our put my hopes on people in case they let me down. But here is says God's UNFAILLING love. His love will never stop. Its never ending, its unconditional, He is GOD. Not another human, He will not let me down. And I just got to trust that and take a leap of faith and put my life in his hands.

Many times I feel so hurt by people, When things go wrong I feel upset hurt, disappointed and stuff, but here GOd heals my broken heart, he binds my wound. And how true is that, but I have to allow him to heal me, I have to allow him to help me. 
And once again,I need to let him in my life. Only that way he can work in me.

Dearest father,

This is such a encouraging verse. I feel so relieved reading this. Father, I thank you so much
the past few days I've been so down, I just feel like crying buckets or tears you know? I feel so lonely, So unloved, so alone. So un cared for. I felt so broken about everything. disappointed. I felt like giving up, Then this verse today popped out, ANd I just thank you so much for your love I am so so so so sorry father, So sorry I've neglected your love, I have forgotten about your love,

I often feel people are taking me for granted but I took your love and you for granted father And I am so sorry. I know I have you but I still crave for love in this world. But I know I don't need it.
Father please help me rely on you please help me only want your love. that I will feel satisfied enough, who am I? To want more. more then what you already given me, You already gave me your life, your son, Yet I still want more, yet I still crave for humans attention. Father I am so sorry

father, YOu are a awesome God, Everytime I am alone I feel down I know I have you, You never fail to be there for me father, You never fail to pick me up I am wrong when I complain about having to pick myself up all the time. Cause father I have you, You were the one picking me up all the time, YOu were always with me, You were always behind me guiding me,but I fail to sees it father.

Dearest father, I love you so much, though I am so rebellious and I always go against you, I am sorry for that But father I do love you so much and I appreciate how you never fiala to love me even when I say I don't love you anymore, Father , I will follow your words. I will stop thinking about chris. Its time I move on father. YOu know whats best for me, guide me father,I know you will.

FatherI want to shine for you, I pray I will do great for you to glorify you, Father, I pray you will use me to hep many others, because I want them to experience everything I am experiencing.IT is such a great feeling, to know I am always loved by you father.

Dearest father, I want to thank you for last night I has such a great night sharing crying with steffi and yingjuin, being open about my struggle,
And being opened helped me realize my problem, I want to know where I stand in sean's and all my best friends hearts I am insecure father, Some times even though I know you love me I wonder where I stand in your heart father, I really wonder. I feel insecure, I wonder a lot of times if you really care about me then I look around and see everything that you have already given me, like awesome friends, a teen worker, my parents. And i really thank you for them.

Father I want to pray for my friend, who has recently broken up, I pray she will come to church, I want to take this opportunity, to bring her to church, TO introduce her to you father, I pray you will open her heart, that she will study the bible at her vulnerable stage she is going through, I pray you will heal her broken heart father. Which I know you will But I pray that she wil let you into her life to heal her. 

Father I thank you so much for everything love you so much!

In jesus name
Your daughter ,

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